Lake Titicaca, Peru

Oh Peru…. You and your transportation, first the flight from hell, and now my first bus with you breaks down and leaves me stranded on the side of the road for 5 hours. And, thanks for helping me miss my first night on Lake Titicaca. Oh well, you gotta roll with the punches on a trip like this…..

I spent the day on a boat tour through the highest lake in the world (about 14,000 feet above sea level). We visited two islands in the Lake. Uros is a set of floating islands that are made out of reeds. People first started living out here hundreds of years ago to avoid the invasion of the Incas. Today, it is an oddly modern ( & touristic) community where the locals entertain tourists and show them how they live (picture old school thatch huts with solar panel operated tvs) It is truly impressive to see these people living in the middle of a freezing cold lake and transporting via hand-made balsawood boats.

The next island was Taquile which is about 2.5 hours by boat from Puno (the port city where I’m staying) in the middle of the lake. From here you can see the shores of Bolivia and Peru. It is another overly touristed islands, but it provides a way of life for the people here, not to mention tons of photo ops.

Pics below…..

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2 Responses to Lake Titicaca, Peru

  1. chendo says:

    somehow, i would have expected everyone to be playing pan flute and guitar.

  2. chendo says:

    oh, and clearly peruvians know as much about sports as the fruth brothers. i feel sorry for them.

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