Stats and Travel Data


Distance traveled: 7,335km/4,401miles
Miles traveled within the speed limit: 27
Times pulled over: 6
Number of speeding tickets: 0
Number of border crossings: 4
Number of hours spent in immigrations and customs: 12
Fillups: 32
Cash spent on gas: 1,600 pesos/400 dollars
Mechanicals problems: 5
Days lost due to mechanical problems: 3
Accidents: 0.5
“oh my god I’m going to die” moments: 9
White knuckle moments: 15,672


Miles driven in car: 1000km/600 miles (brazil)
200km/120 miles (chile)
Number of broken car parts: 1
Person at fault for breaking car: Captain Keywan
Cost for broken part: undetermined until I get my credit card statement.
Number of times pulled over: 1
Reason for stop: “wearing sandals while driving” (read: to search the gringos for drugs).
Tickets: 0
Number of “Donuts” (for you John Fenno): 1 big one around a gas station.
Number of “Ooof” moments listening to the poor little Fiat scream for help: 43
Number of times stuck: 1
Cost to get car unstuck: 100 Brazilian Reals (~$65 USD)
Number of fillups: 4
Total spent on gas: $220 (don’t bitch about gas prices in the States anymore!)


Distance traveled: 2,320 km/1,392 miles
Hours on bus: 49
Number of Bus breakdowns: 1
Hours spent sitting on a broken bus waiting for help: 5


Number of Flights within South America: 8
Distance traveled by plane within South America: 12,345 km/ 7,407 miles
Scheduled hours to be spent on planes and in airports within South America: 38 hours
Actual hours spent in planes and airports: 62 (including 12 lovely hours looking at Pisco, Peru from the airplane window)
Hours spent sitting on an airplane or in an airport realizing that I am not in the States where stuff tends to work: 24
Days spent in the Lima, Peru airport trying to get back to the States: 2


Number of different boats: 8
Number of required ferry crossings: 4

Supporting Cast:
My brother Jeff Espenship (BA to Ushuaia)
Jamie Capozzi (Ushuaia to BA)
Brian “Captain” Keywan (northeastern Brazil)
Danny Ackerman (Cusco and Macchu Picchu)
Leanne Binkley (dealing with an absent boyfriend for three months)

4 Responses to Stats and Travel Data

  1. chendo says:

    nice and nice.

  2. Leanne says:

    I’m glad this wasn’t posted until the bikes were returned. I could’ve done without knowing about the WKM’s.

  3. Kachin says:

    Damn, gas must be cheap down there.

  4. John Fenno says:

    Pulled over 6 times??? On the Argentine side or the Chilean side? The Carabineros don’t fuck around. So I’m assuming Argentina. No stats on donuts or wheelies? Egregious omission. How about number of showers?

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